
Millington Good News Festival

Oct 11, 2022

After accepting God’s calling as the new pastor of East Acres Baptist Church in Millington, Dr. Richard Hamlet was grateful for the opportunity to bring MOF’s Good News Festival to the Millington Community!

Over the years, Dr. Hamlet and his wife, Ginger, have seen countless lives impacted through these outreach events of open-air gospel proclamation, and last weekend was no different!

In the weeks leading up to the festival, church volunteers and civic leaders worked hard personally inviting the community to come to the event, and it paid off! On a beautiful fall day in Tennessee, over 500 people came out to experience all the festival had to offer. 

From 11AM – 2PM the crowd enjoyed free family fun and entertainment, but, most importantly, they heard a testimony of how Jesus changes everything and were invited to experience that change themselves! 


Live music played while BMX bikers vaulted through the air and kids slurped down snow cones. Some got faces painted while others got haircuts. Bounce houses were filled with laughter, and 1000 hot dogs were served for lunch! But the most important part of the day happened when all the activities stopped and the crowd gathered around the stage.


Ginger Hamlet shared her personal story of how she came to believe in Jesus as her Lord and Savior. Then Dr. Richard Hamlet clearly presented the gospel for all to hear. The crowd was attentive, and many responded to the Lord!

Many raised their hands to indicate they wanted to accept Christ as their Savior, and many came forward for prayer! The Lord moved in hearts, and all were encouraged to get connected to a local church.

We thank all the volunteers (and there were many!) who helped with the festival, and we praise God for His favor! Lord willing, this will be the first of many Millington Good News Festivals!

Enjoy more pictures below!

(click the white arrows to scroll through the pictures)